Our Sponsors
Friends of the New Cumberland Town Band
New Cumberland Federal Credit Union
New Cumberland Olde Town Association
Borough Of New Cumberland
Trinity Church of New Cumberland
Iron Bridge Music Festival
Friends Of The West Shore Theater
Support the Town Band
The Friends of the New Cumberland Town Band Foundation
Name (s) ___________________________ E-Mail______________________ Date__________
Address____________________________________ Phone #__________________________
Please check your Contribution Level:
__ Whole Note $500 and above __ Eighth Note $50-$99
__ Half Note $250-$499 __ Sixteenth Note $25-$49
__ Quarter Note $100-$249 __ Thirty Second Note up to $24
Donations and pledges can be recognized with your name listed in the New Cumberland Town Band Season
Program and on our web site. If you wish to be recognized differently than listed above, please indicate so here.
Checks should be made out to Friends of NCTB Foundation, and sent to:
Friends of the NCTB Foundation
PO Box 209
New Cumberland, PA 17070
If you would like to make a donation to the Friends of the New Cumberland Town Band, please
print and fill out the form below.
All donations contributed to the Friends of the New Cumberland Town Band Foundation may be tax deductible.
Proceeds directly support the New Cumberland Town Band.
Any questions may be addressed to Bob Romako at
bob@romakocpa.com or 774-3047. Thank-You!
Program Ad Information
The New Cumberland Town Band (NCTB) is a 501(c)3, 50-member band that is devoted to bringing the best in concert band music to people throughout the Greater Harrisburg area. The NCTB performs a series of concerts during the summer and also performs several events in the fall and during the Winter Holidays. We estimate that the band's audience normally consists of between 200 and 400 people at any given performance. Additional information about the band and its schedule is available at the Band’s Web Page www.nctownband.org and on Facebook ​https://www.facebook.com/NCTownBand​. This form is also available on the website.
The NCTB relies on financial contributions from individuals, businesses, and other organizations to meet its mission of musical education and outreach to the community. Community support enables the Band to present FREE concerts to communities throughout the region. As a major part of our fundraising for the year, we produce a program booklet that is distributed to the audience at each of our concerts during the year. When businesses advertise in the program booklet, they receive exposure to several hundred local people for each concert multiple times during the year. We will also include the program booklet on our website. We would appreciate your support through the purchase of an ad in the program book, and sincerely thank all of our past advertisers and community supporters.
2021 New Cumberland Town Band Program Book Rates
Full Page ad-$125 Half-Page-$75 Business Card/Quarter Page-$40
Inside Front and Inside Back-$300 Back Cover-$450
Ad purchasers will have their ads placed according to the size purchased. A full page is 8.5”x 5.5”. Camera-ready black/white ads should be submitted (mailed or e-mailed) no later than ​May 15, 2019​. Ad copy and/or checks can be mailed to ​Advertisement, Friends of NCTB Foundation, PO Box 209, New Cumberland, PA 17070. Ad copy can also be e-mailed to ​jbhayden1@gmail.com with ​NCTB Ad Book in the subject line. Please mail the form below with payment to the address at the bottom of this page. ​Make checks payable to Friends of NCTB Foundation​.
As an added bonus, the New Cumberland Town Band, we will gladly "like" your business's Facebook page from ours to encourage our Facebook fans to patronize you as our sponsor. ​If your business has an official Facebook Page, please email it ​jbhayden1@gmail.com​ or include the address here: